High Speed ​​Hydraulic Motor Overview

Posted on 05/06/2024

1. Axial piston hydraulic motor

  • Working principle The larger the inclination angle of the swash plate, the greater the torque and the slower the speed.

  • Parameter calculation The speed and torque of the straight-axis axial piston motor are calculated as follows:

    n = 4Q/πd2zD0tgγ1·ηv (rpm)

    M = 1/8·d2zD0tgγ1(p1-p2)·ηm (kgf·cm)

    The speed and torque of the inclined-axis axial piston motor are calculated as follows:

    n = 4Q/πd2zD0sinγ2·ηv (rpm)

    M = 1/8·d2zD0sinγ2(p1-p2)·ηm (kgf·cm)


    Q - input flow (cm3/min)

    d - plunger diameter (cm)

    z - number of plungers

    D0 - plunger distribution diameter (cm)

    γ1 - inclined plate inclination

    γ2 - cylinder inclination

    p1 - inlet liquid pressure (kgf/cm2)

    p2 - outlet liquid pressure (kgf/cm2)

    ηv - volumetric efficiency

    ηm - mechanical efficiency

2. Gear hydraulic motor

  • Parameter calculation The speed n and torque M are calculated as follows

        n=Q/q0·ηv=Q/2πzm2b·ηv (rpm)

        M=(p1-p2)bzm2·ηm (kgf·cm)

        Where: Q——input flow (cm3/min)

        q0——theoretical displacement (cm3/rev)

        z——number of teeth

        m——module (cm)

        b——tooth width (cm)

        p1——inlet fluid pressure (kgf/cm2)

        p2——outlet fluid pressure (kgf/cm2)

        ηv——volumetric efficiency

        ηm——mechanical efficiency

Gear hydraulic motor has simple structure, small size, light weight, impact resistance, small inertia, easy maintenance, low price, low requirements for oil filtration accuracy, but large flow pulsation, low volumetric efficiency, small torque, and poor low-speed stability.

2. Vane hydraulic motor (generally used double-acting type, cannot be variable)

  • Parameter calculation The speed n and torque M are calculated as follows

        n=Q/q0·ηv=Q/2[π(R2-r2)-(R-r)/cosθ·δz]b·ηv (rpm)

        M=(p1-p2)q0/2π·ηm=(p1-p2)[π(R2-r2)-(R-r)/cosθ·δz]b /π·ηm (kgf·cm)

        Where: Q——input flow (cm3/min)

        q0——theoretical displacement (cm3/rev)

        R——large radius of stator cavity (cm)

        r——small radius of stator cavity (cm)

        δ——blade thickness (cm)

        z——number of blades

        b——blade width (cm)

        θ——blade inclination angle

        p1——inlet liquid pressure (kgf/cm2)

        p2——outlet liquid pressure (kgf/cm2)

        ηv——Volumetric efficiency

        ηm——Mechanical efficiency


Tags: Hydraulic Motor, Piston Motor, Motor Formula, Motor Parts, Gear Motor, Vane Motor, Motor Fulid Pressure, Input Flow

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