Low Speed High Torque Hydraulic Motor

Posted on 24/06/2024

This type of motor is characterized by large output torque, low speed, good low-speed performance, stable operation at 20 rpm, and can be directly connected to the working mechanism without the need for a deceleration device, which simplifies the transmission mechanism and improves work efficiency. This type of motor adopts a plunger structure, generally uses high pressure, and has a large displacement, so the volume and motion inertia are large. It is not suitable for occasions with sensitive reactions and frequent reversing. In addition, it also requires high sealing to avoid low efficiency and low-speed instability due to leakage. Low-speed and high-torque motors can be divided into single-acting and multi-acting types according to the number of actions per revolution.

1. Axial piston low-speed and high-torque motor

The working principle is the same as that of the high-speed axial motor, except that it uses a double swash plate and two sets of plungers to increase its torque.

2. Radial piston low-speed and high-torque motor

1. Including crankshaft connecting rod type, static balance type, multi-acting inner curve and other forms.

2. Parameter calculation

                n=4Q/πd2z·z1·z2h·ηv (rpm)

                M=1/8·d2z·z1·z2h(p1-p2)·ηm (kgf·cm)

                Where: Q——input flow (cm3/min)

                d——plunger diameter (cm)

                z——number of plungers

                z1——number of plunger strokes per revolution

                z2——number of plunger columns

                h——plunger stroke (cm)

                p1——inlet liquid pressure (kgf/cm2)

                p2——outlet liquid pressure (kgf/cm2)

                ηv——volumetric efficiency

                ηm——mechanical efficiency


Tags: Hydraulic Motor, Travel Motor, Swing Motor, Rexroth Motor, Piston Motor, Spare Parts

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